Are You Meeting Your Fire Alarm’s Legal Requirements?
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 provides a minimum fire safety standard in all non-domestic premises. Many businesses still don’t understand if they are complying with the standards or not, putting their employees and assets at risk.
By owning, managing or operating a business, this means it is your responsibility to ensure you have the correct equipment and procedures in place in the event of a fire. The person or people in charge of fire safety are required to carry out certain duties such as testing the fire alarm on a weekly basis, ensuring all fire safety equipment is still in working order, carrying out test evacuations, a minimum of twice a year, so people in the building are aware of their nearest escape routes and procedures in the event of a fire.
A Fire Risk Assessment should be carried out and findings should be noted down, with changes and fire safety measures implemented. Sources of ignition and flammable substances should be kept apart to prevent a fire. Once risks have been identified, actions should be taken to control or manage them, or if possible, remove them altogether.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 means that anyone with some level of control must take reasonable steps to reduce the risk of fire and ensure there is a safe means of escape.
To find out more information, please visit this website: Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005: enforcement - GOV.UK (

Our team of experts are always on hand to guide and give practical advice based on years of experience. For further information please contact us on 01827 300630.