Ventol Update
The team here at Ventol hope you are all keeping safe and well. It hasn’t been the start to 2021 that everyone had hoped for but Ventol are here to support your business and protect your premises. Across the Ventol team, we have strict measures in place to ensure that the safety of our employees and clients is of the highest priority.
Ventol have fortunately been able to continue to supply our full range of services to businesses and we have recently had our busiest few months to date both in the office and on the roads, securing contracts, completing a record number of projects and welcoming new clients to our growing portfolio.
Our team is expanding, having taken on a couple of Project Managers, as well as a CAD Technician and Senior Engineers, we welcome them on board and can’t wait to see what they can bring to the table!
We have also gained a Notifier Gold Partner status, as well as becoming part of the Mitsubishi Diamond Quality Partner Programme. Ventol look forward to working alongside these partnerships to see how we can help each other grow and develop in the industry.
Take a look at what we’re getting up to on our social media pages for more news on Ventol and the industry: LinkedIn

Our team of experts are always on hand to guide and give practical advice based on years of experience. For further information please contact us on 01827 300630.